1 April 2010

Hejduk – Petition Closed


Activism ∕ Sick Buildings

The Hejduk Tower, yesterday at sundown [Click to enlarge]

The petition to save the John Hejduk Tower from defacement is now closed, having run for two weeks. The response to our call for support has been immense and has helped get us the results we wanted. I would like to thank all 2960 people who signed, not just personally, but also in the name of everyone who worked away behind the scenes, getting shit done: Jim Hudson, Robert Slinger, Claire Karsenty, Matthias Reese, Florian Köhl, Christian Burkhard and Renata Hejduk.

BerlinHaus have informed Matthias Peckskamp, Head of the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg urban planning department, that work on the façade has been halted until an agreement can be reached. Senate Building Director Regula Lüscher is also backing the cause, and has been penciled in as a possible mediator in discussions.

A second press release has been drafted, and is poised to be distributed after the Easter break early next week.

This week the story has been covered by the Berliner Morgenpost and TAZ newspapers. It’s been pretty amusing to see how the story has been covered by both papers: the MoPo going for the “star architects” angle, and the TAZ skewering the social dimension. More on this later.