23 March 2011

Soft Opening at Choriner Höfe, Continued: Some Provocative Junkmail


Conspiricy Theory ∕ Event ∕ Social Engineering

This amusing, crumply scan of an open letter that’s been distributed in the “NoTo” neighborhood washed up on our shores this afternoon. Word has it that it’s all a hoax and in no way represents the plans and views of the real estate developer Diamona & Harnisch GmbH, or those of its purported author, Alexander Harnisch. Furthermore, the content of this scan in no way represents the views of this blog, and has been reproduced only in order to heighten the general public’s awareness of whatever it is that’s going on, or indeed of what isn’t going on.

For those more impatient readers, the really dubious bits have been highlighted. Just click on the images to read them in higher resolution and hit your browser’s “back” button to return to this page.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing some hoardes of angry citizens on Sunday, and maybe even to guzzling some free bubbly. It should be a blast.