24 December 2013

Carnies’ Occupy Schlossplatz condoned by Pimp Mayor


Astronomy ∕ Holes


Schlossplatz, Christmas 2013:

An advertisement assembly of Humboldt Box and adjacent hoarding along the extent of the Schlossplatz. Billboards on a scale of five lane highways perceived from pedestrian contexts, close up, at speeds of pedestrians, of cyclists. Currently in Xbox green. How myopic do they think we are? Yes, I can read that. “The all-in-one entertainment system”, in 400 point Microsoft font. Half concealed and self-conscious, behind Xbox green illuminated hoarding, a showcase fragment of the Stadtschloss façade. How can it ever compete with all this spectacle?


In the distance, Europe’s second largest traveling ferris wheel, illuminated and powered by an imploding star. Christmas markets, carousels, coralled carnies. Signs that say “Kassa”. Smiley Garfield and Waymond Harding cajole christmas soul to to the petit bourgeois in celebratory middle class outfits clapping on 1 and 3 in front of the foreign ministry. Trussed city of zoroZaster, incandescent, unplanned. The sausage grill has reappropriated Berlin cathedral’s dome for itself and grills its sausages under the flood light of cranes. What is this oddly shaped gift box, light blue, with silver ribbons? Oh, Humboldt Box. Gift wrapped by Christo and Jeanne-Claude, the black vaccuum at our city center, with golden ribbons, and glittering red bows, and sisal. A soothsayer, and three wise men. A creperie, that is a locomotive, bakes its crepes on its boiler and steam them towards the emergency exit, parked in a no parking zone. Trussed city of zoroZaster, unplanned by our lord, the pimp mayor. There he is, behind the clock, up in his clinker tower, overlooking the chaos unravel, spitting bitcoins and clunker. Sold! the Schlossplatz, to carnies, circuses and vacuum cleaner salesmen, to jugglers and sword swallowers and death strip entrepreurs.


