7 November 2009

Live and Direct on Brunnenstraße: November 8th, 2009 / 6:00pm


Architects ∕ Buildings ∕ Review

Everything you ever wanted to know about this webmag, live and in person at the site of one of favorite current points of discussion of late: Arno Brandlhuber & co.’s Neubau on Brunnenstraße. I first wrote about it on Sept. 10th, then a second time on Oct. 5th. And then there was our covert operation Sept. 12th. As previously reported, Mr. Brandlhuber got wind of our antics and quite bravely asked us to give a little talk to his students from the his unit at the Akademie der Bildende Künste in Nürnberg.


For the event we’ll talk a bit about what we’re doing and why, as well as define such terms as “blurbanism”, “remerrhoids”, “advertecture” and “brutiful”. We’ll get back into themes such as “The Bland Box” and introduce new ones like the timely “The New Death Strip: Architectural Mediocrity and Worse Along the Site of the Former Berlin Wall”. And we’ll also talk a bit about the object in question, and explain what the above detail says to us.

All this will be presented in a stunning, panoramic dual-projector format…so please feel free to come on down to the KOW gallery at Brunnenstraße 9, tomorrow at 18:00 EST.